Tourisme Vaudreuil-Soulanges

The happy family

Profil touristique | La petite famille

Want to turn “I’m bored” into “woo-hoo!”? It’s all right here!

“I’m bored” have to be the two of the most dreaded words a parent can hear. If your brood is getting restless and unruly, and the whines are reaching a fever pitch, you know that staying home just isn’t an option! Time to get out, play, jump, laugh, make stuff, discover… If it’s discoveries you’re looking for, you’ll find something for every taste in Vaudreuil-Soulanges!

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Famille Legault Berthiaume | Profil La petite Famille

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Famille Legault-Berthiaume Add to favourites

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The happy family

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Mom is a nurse in the emergency room and soon to have a bachelor's degree in nursing. Papa is a firefighter in the town of Saint-Lazare and a specialist in flight service.

Pamella and Julien are the proud parents of two young children... with number three on its way! You may already have come across them on Instagram, or you might be among the thousands of their followers who track the family’s escapades around the world.

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